
Eagles Nest is a neighborhood group home for women who are recovering from substance abuse. Our Outreach Ministry has an ongoing relationship and supports this group home through prayer, counseling, household needs, and weekly church activities. We also provide support for the women as they leave the group home to begin living on their own.

Salvation Army Homeless Shelter is supported by our church through the Outreach Ministry. The church periodically makes food donations to this shelter and is often called upon to assist in extreme emergencies. We also participate in the “Bell Ringing” activities at Christmas and serve meals on Saturdays to the homeless.

Nursing Home Visitations are carried out by several ministries at Mount Calvary. The Outreach, Singles, Golden Agers, and Youth Ministries take turns visiting the area nursing homes. The program varies and includes: praying, singing, worshipping, studying, and providing companionship.

Mission Federation THE MOUNT CALVARY MISSION FEDERATION works to plant gospel seeds in order to win souls for Christ. Also, we seek to improve the lives of those who are lost through sharing Jesus Christ. Community service is emphasized by the Mission Federation through supporting local outreach ministries; providing parental support to single parents and grandparents; making food, household, and personal item donations; visiting and delivering dinners to the sick and shut-in; visiting and supporting area nursing homes; and donate needed items to one local school. One of the primary ministries of the Mission Federation is the support of an orphanage in Haiti. You may contact the church office for additional information.

In the Go Fish Evangelism, we strive to go out into the community each month and tell others of the goodness of Jesus Christ! It is a blessing to be able to share what He has done and all that He is going to do for those who believe and accept Him as their personal savior. It is our job, our commission, our command, and our reasonable services to tell of His goodness.

We promote “Family and Friends Day” to encourage members to invite others to come and worship with us and hear the Word for themselves.

We collect new and nearly new bibles to pass out to those we come in contact with who do not have a bible of their own.

The Go Fish committee members hosts a reception after Sunday services to meet and greet out Guests who come to worship with us.

We correspond with prison inmates, and send bibles to those who are in need of one.

We welcome everyone who is concerned about the kingdom of God to come and fish with us.

We welcome suggestions and ideas for sharing the “Good News”.